Cappuccino Media Group

Cold Weather Car Care | Mechanicsburg Auto Care


The Meineke Car Care Center on Carlisle Pike in Mechanicsburg will help your car survive the freezing weather.

As the holidays draw near, forecasters are predicting severely cold weather with snow expected in parts of Pennsylvania. That, of course, means it's time to pull out the heavy overcoats, extra blankets and start a roaring fire, if you have a fireplace. While you're snuggling down at home, don't forget your car. It gets cold, too.

"It may be a bit late to hand out this advice this year, but for future reference, the Car Care Council recommends taking your car or truck in for an inspection before winter hits so you can stave off ... problems ahead of time," according to "'Vehicles need extra attention when temperatures drop below zero,' [Car Council] executive director Rich White points out. 'Whether consumers perform an inspection and required maintenance themselves or go to a repair shop, it's a small yet important investment to avoid the aggravation and unexpected and potentially dangerous cost of a breakdown in freezing weather.'"

Even after you have a trusted Mechanicsburg auto technician give your car a once over, you need to be especially vigilant about the effect of cold on certain car parts like batteries, belts, oil, and tires. Then, too, you have to worry about things like ice in the fuel line.

If you haven't given your car its winter prep or, if you notice something wrong, then it's time to immediately take your vehicle to a trusted Mechanicsburg car care specialist like the reliable auto care experts at the Meineke Car Care Center on Carlisle Pike in Mechanicsburg.

If that's not convenient, you can always get reliable car care service at one of our 12 other service centers in south central Pennsylvania -

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